
Here are a few things that I have figured out so far:
  1. Maui is windy from about noon till the cows come home so Morning is your best shot at having no wind. get out there at sunrise.
  2. Ocean fish are fast and eat fast things so learn to strip your line faster than you've done in freshwater.
  3. Mornings are good for another reason: Trevalley and bone fish feed all he time but more so at morning and sunset.
  4. Streamers, shiny streamers. If it aint shiny it aint working.
  5. Have the right gear. 8 weight all around with salt water specific gear. has some great deals.
  6. Have more patience than you have ever had! It is going to take sometime before you start catching.
  7. Fish the flats. Fish the beach and fish the rocky shore. Fish everywhere because its the ocean and that's where ocean fish hang out. do not right off any spot because it hasn't worked once.
  8. Just because its a big fly doesn't mean you are going to catch a big fish. That's the same everywhere.